Knowledge of Perineal Care among Postnatal Mothers


                  “A study to assess the effect of planned health teaching on knowledge of perineal care among postnatal mothers admitted in postnatal unit of Smt Kashibai Navale Medical College And General Hospital Pune.” was carried out for partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Master of Nursing at Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik. 

                  The objectives of the study were:-

  • To assess the existing knowledge regarding perineal care among postnatal mothers.
  • To assess the posttest knowledge score of perineal care among postnatal mothers.
  • To compare pretest and posttest knowledge score of perineal care among postnatal mothers.
  • To correlate posttest knowledge score with selected demographic variables. 

            This study was based on descriptive evaluatory approach. The population was all postnatal mothers who can read and write Marathi in smt kashibai navale medical college and general hospital pune. The sample consisted of 60 postnatal mothers. Inclusion criteria were mothers belongs to first week of postnatal period and those who willing to participate.

The sampling technique used in the study was Non-Probability convenient Sampling. The tool was structured knowledge questionnaire. 

                  The content validity of the tool was done by nine experts from Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing Department, two experts from Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, one Educator and one Biostatistician, suggestions proposed were incorporated in tool and appropriate changes were made. The reliability of questionnaire was done by Chronbach’s alpha method.

                  The pilot study was conducted in Smt Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital Pune from 4th October to 9th October 2010. As per laid down criteria 10 samples were selected by non-probability convenient sampling who were available during the study.

                  The data gathering process began on11th October to 6th November 2010 in Smt Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital Pune. After explaining the objectives and purpose of the study to mothers, written consent was obtained from each one of them for participation in the study. Pre test was given to assess their knowledge regarding perineal care and then a planned health teaching on perineal care was given. After that on 7th day post test was given to them.

                  The major findings of the study

  • Majority i.e. (68%) of samples were belong to age group 18-23 years whereas very few i.e. (7%) mothers belong to age group 30-36 years.
  •  Most of i.e. forty percent of samples were having secondary educational qualification whereas very few i.e. (7%) mothers graduate and postgraduate.
  • Forty six percent of the samples have monthly family income around Rs.3000 whereas only seven percent above Rs.9000.
  • Forty five percent samples were delivered twice whereas only two percent of mothers delivered more than thrice
  • Pre test score of 19 samples were poor, 41 samples were in average whereas nobody was in good category.
  • While in post test 37 were in good category and 23 of samples belongs to average category whereas nobody was in poor category.
  • There was significant difference between pre test and post test knowledge in all areas after administration of planned health teaching.
  • Overall obtained pre and post test score t value is 14.88317 and p value 0.000000625 which is less than 0.05; so Ho is rejected and hence H1 is accepted.
  • No significant correlation was found between post test knowledge score and demographic variables of postnatal mothers.



            These findings highlight the need for further research and provide a number of challenges for health-care services and health-care professionals. The result of the study will help the nurses to enlighten their knowledge on importance of perineal care in postnatal period.


Findings can be used as an example by nursing educators in the classroom to give importance and implementation of the perineal care with its scientific rationale in postnatal period. With the emerging health care trends nursing education must focus on innovations to enhance the perineal care.


               Findings of study can be utilized for formulating the standardized protocol in postnatal wards. Awareness should be created by nurse manager to motivate pregnant women to attend antenatal care. This will in turn encourage them to seek postnatal care.


             These findings will also help a nurse researcher to conduct further study on various aspects of perineal care. Current study can be used as a review of literature for further researches and their problems investigations. 


                  Based on above mentioned limitations, investigator recommends that-

  1. A similar study can be replicated with a control group and on a larger population.
  2. A survey to assess the knowledge, belief and practices can be undertaken.
  3. A similar study can be conducted on mothers to their problems pertaining to perineal care.
  4. A similar study can be conducted in community with a non literate group using different mode of communication.
  5. A study can be undertaken to identify attitude of postnatal mothers regarding perineal care.
  6. A study may be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of self instructional module regarding perineal care.
  7. A study may be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional module verses other methods of health teaching on the similar problem.


                   The planned health teaching significantly brought out improvement in the knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding perineal care. Analysis of data showed that there was significant difference between pre test and post test knowledge score.

                   The study concludes that the effective planned health teaching on perineal care can increase knowledge level of mothers in first week of postpartum period irrespective of their age; education and no. of delivery; as well as it can also helps to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.
